Sunday, December 13, 2009

The girl and the moon

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loves to see the moon. The moon always shines so bright that it light this girl night. Everyday, she would wait for the moon to show. One day, the moon disappeared. The girl was so sad that she looked everywhere but cannot find the moon. She cried... the next day, the moon still won't come back and so the other day. The girl was so sad that she cried badly until one day, when she opened her eyes, she saw only darkness. The next night, the moon emerged to light the night, but the agony is, the girl cannot see the moon anymore... even the moon is lighting her night, she still in the darkness because, she forget, it’s not the moon who makes her night bright, it was her eyes who allowed her to see a brighter night…

Sometime, we forget what we had and what we want. The girl, she wants the moon but she forgets that she had the eyes to see the moon. Because of that, she had wasted her eyes for the moon that wasn’t hers. This is us. We want everything but we never appreciate anything that was ours. Why? Because it always there. Because we had used to it that we forget how valuable it is.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My guilt...

It’s guilt that I was experience right now!
I know I am stubborn but I never like how stubborn I can get, yet I can’t help myself being this stubborn.
I always know, realize, that I am stubborn and childish.
I never change that over the years or to be more exact, I can’t change that.
Maybe it’s my nature being stubborn.
I didn’t held grunge, but once I get mad, it last longer than it should be!
I hate my stubbornness!
I hate myself!
And I’m sorry…
I didn’t mean to make you worry.
I was not at ease to know I was against you, but my stubbornness didn’t let me step down that easy…
I know I’m guilty.
This guilt is eating me inside that it hurt so much right now…


for the memory...
that's what its mean behind mnemonikos...
as life goes on many thing happens.
some thing happens without we even realize how precious it is until it become a distance memory.
a memory that we leave behind without being appreciate!

well, hye there!
dis is my first time having a blog.
actually, i always want to have a blog, but never really start it, but as i got older(it's hard to admit dis!)i begin to think about many thing.
this is for every word that left unspoken.
this is for every emotion that left unwritten.
this is for the memory that i always cherish...